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Stenabolic (SR9009) – Do Not Buy Until You Read This Review!

Recently, we watched a movie in which Dylan Gemelli speaks about Stenabolic (SR9009).

Dylan Gemelli is among the most educated people that we have ever listened to when it comes to bodybuilding and overall fitness.

We must say the video is among the very informative pieces that we’ve seen on SR9009 or Stenabolic.

We enjoy it as it debunks a lot of the theories that are floating about these days on messaging boards.

One that cites an email from Professor Thomas Burris and his supposed caution against using SR9009.

The other theory being that it has’zero’ bioavailability when dosed orally, which has prompted people to mix it using DMSO and dose it sublingually. Some have even gone to the extent of injecting themselves with self-made concoctions.

Having utilized SR9009 in five bicycles up to now, thee cutting cycles and two-wheeled cycles, we could guarantee the fact that it is not ineffective.

Not by a long shot.

We don’t disagree with the concept that bioavailability is problematic. Simply as it’s debatable does not indicate that it is zero.

There is a difference.

SR9009 makes us more active, enhances our cardiovascular operation and cuts fat. That has been consistent across all the cycles that we have used it to get.

If you are seeking to enhance your cardiovascular performance and endurance for any kind of fitness activity, then SR9009 may be one of the best compounds which you may use.

Here’s the lowdown on this amazing drug.


SR9009 is often sold along SARMS. Nonetheless, it is a really distinctive compound that belongs to a group of chemicals called Rev-Erba agonists.

For people who are new to this, an agonist is a drug that activates specific receptors in different sites in the body while antagonists block the activity of these receptors.

In this case, SR9009 binds to the Rev-Erba, a set of proteins and amplifies the gene expression which consequently causes a string of favorable events.

The clinical trials though have been conducted in mice just.

They have never progressed to an individual point. And there is one reason for the doubts that stem in the minds of naysayers.

Can and will the results be replicated in humans?

Well, the outcomes in mice were so positive that the chemical shortly made an appearance as a nutritional supplement, before it had been included by WADA in its list of prohibited substances.

Well, that is as good an endorsement as any.

If WADA bans it, it means only 1 thing, that it may boost performance.


When it had been administered to obese mice, SR9009 improved their metabolism, helped them gain lean muscle and even burned fat when the mice were not subject to any kind of physical activity.

Image result for stenabolic sr9009 reviews

In simpler terms, it turned lazy couch potato mice into lean muscle mice with enhanced athletic capability.

That’s why it had been tagged’Exercise in a jar’. Picture what it can do to an athlete who trains hard and eats right.

Below are a few of the consequences of SR9009.

Increased Strength
SR9009 raises your basal metabolic rate, a trait that is shared differently by stimulants and fat burners like the ECA stack or by Clenbuterol. The only difference is the fact that it does not improve your heart rate to dangerous levels nor does it trigger the jitters that the other drugs do. In fact, the only effect that people notice is reduced lethargy and more energy. You just feel more active, if that is the right way to put it.

Increased athletic ability
SR9009 can raise athletic capacity by as much as 50%. If your usual workout routine lasts for 45 minutes, then you can stretch it to an hour and a half on Stenabolic. If you are an athlete or a runner, you are able to run much longer. That’s among the reasons why cyclists, swimmers and cross country athletes are caught doping with Stenabolic. It allows them to go on for more without getting worn out. This type of disses the entire bioavailability theory for you.

Fat Burn
SR9009 reduces overall cholesterol levels, triglycerides levels and improves lipolysis. This translates into fat loss. Also, this makes it a really good adjunct to 17CAA steroid cycles that trash your lipid levels.

Lean Muscle
While the muscle gained on SR9009 is hardly noticeable, it does help athletes to keep muscle when they’re on an aggressive cut. This puts it on par with some of the very best cutting SARMS from the world, like Andarine. Actually, this is among the possible therapeutic applications of this chemical. It helps individuals with metabolic syndrome in addition to conditions like severe arthritis and COPD to stop muscle loss.


Mild Insomnia. No other known side effect. Just how amazing is that. Insomnia may be prevented by taking your last dose of Stenabolic at least 6-8 hours before bedtime.

Remember that this compound alters your circadian rhythm. It assists jet-lagged people to remain awake for more. That’s not a deal-breaker though. Just find a workaround.

It is a non-hormonal medication. It does not suppress you. You don’t need a PCT following a cycle with SR9009.


As we said, studies were left at the animal model stage and its highly improbable that it is going to progress to the human version anytime soon.

So, all the data that is floating out there relies on one clinical animal study that puts the bioavailability at 2.2%.

There’s another study that states that the bioavailability is 33%. And there’s an email from Scripps that states that the bioavailability is zero.

Take your pick.

We’ve got every reason to doubt the whole Scripps email thingy. Consider it. Why would they openly acknowledge that this chemical can work and will boost performance?

The truth is that we just don’t understand. There’s a lack of clarity as far as we’re concerned.

And hey, based on anecdotal reports, it seems to work at 25mg/day in split doses.

No Negative effects.


Since both of these are primarily called endurance boosters and cutting compounds, which is better?

Well, it is difficult to choose one since both have their own set of benefits in a functionality enhancement setting.

The only differentiating factor is your half-life. Cardarine has a 24-hour half-life and has to be dosed just once every day.

Stenabolic, on the other hand, has to be dosed 4-5 occasions because of its 4-hour half-life. Which is the right one for you personally? You decide.

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