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7 Possible Benefits of Apple Polyphenols

Apple polyphenols have different potential health benefits. Because nearly all of them are found in the peel, so it’s simpler to acquire the benefits by eating apples unpeeled. Keep on reading to know the variety of health benefits of the dietary polyphenols.

What Exactly Are Apple Polyphenols?

Polyphenols are organic compounds found in fruits and vegetables. These secondary plant metabolites could be categorized as flavonoids and non-flavonoids. Apple polyphenols apply for their potential health benefits through their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory pursuits. Although they’re also found in the apple flesh, the maximum polyphenol material is found from the apple peel.



  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action
  • May help with blood sugar control
  • May reduce blood fat levels
  • May enhance physical performance


  • Insufficient evidence for many benefits

Health Benefits

Overview summarizing the main health benefits of polyphenols.... | Download  Scientific Diagram

Insufficient Evidence

1) Antioxidant and Allergic

In a clinical study on 62 obese folks, apple polyphenol extract decreased oxidative damage to the blood vessels In test tubes, they inhibited an enzyme that produces free radicals (xanthine oxidase).

In a second trial on 12 healthy nonsmokers, consuming apple juice enhanced blood glucose status. On the other hand, the growth in blood uric acid instead of in its polyphenols such as quercetin was linked with this effect.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of apple polyphenols improved joint mobility and antioxidant status while reducing inflammation in a little study on 12 healthy individuals given dry apple peel powder (4.25 g/day for 12 weeks).

The mix of apple polyphenols and vitamin C improved antioxidant status (higher antioxidant activity and lower ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 amounts ) in another trial on 20 healthy people.

In rats, apple polyphenols suppressed pro-inflammatory cytokines and improved their antioxidant status.

Taken together, 4 small clinical trials (one of them with negative effects ) may not be considered adequate proof that apple polyphenols have noticeable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in humans. Larger, more robust clinical trials are needed to confirm these preliminary findings.

2) Blood Sugar Control

In A clinical trial on 25 healthy men and women, a polyphenol-rich apple and blackcurrant drink reduced blood glucose levels after meals.

In another trial on 62 obese people, apple polyphenol extract decreased fasting blood glucose.

The Long-term administration of apple polyphenols (600 mg/day for 12 weeks) reduced sugar spikes after meals at a clinical trial on 65 people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes (impaired sugar tolerance).

Apple polyphenols also raised insulin sensitivity in rats.

Although The results are promising, the evidence to support that this potential health benefit comes from 3 clinical trials and a study in rats. Further clinical research is required to confirm them.

3) Physical Performance

A clinical trial on 48 physically active men, carrying 500 mg apple polyphenols that the preceding evening and 1 hour in front of a high-endurance aerobic evaluation extended the highest operation time and delayed fatigue perception.

In Rats, dietary apple polyphenols improved muscle endurance, higher resistance to fatigue, also averted contraction-induced muscle injuries.

A Single clinical trial and some studies in rats are insufficient to attest to the possibility of apple polyphenols to boost physical performance. More clinical trials larger populations are warranted.

4) Obesity and Blood Fat Levels

In A clinical study on 71 moderately obese people, apple polyphenol capsules (600 mg/day for 12 months ) reduced visceral fat, improved the amounts of a hormone secreted through weight loss (adiponectin), also reduced blood cholesterol (total and LDL cholesterol).

In rats fed high-fat and -sugar diets, apple polyphenols (both alone and together with cinnamon and birch polyphenols) reduced weight gain and insulin resistance.

Again, A small clinical trial and some animal study can’t be considered conclusive evidence that apple polyphenols help with weight loss and high blood glucose levels. Further clinical research is needed.

5) Allergic Rhinitis

A clinical trial on 33 individuals with allergic rhinitis, taking apple polyphenols reduced sneezing attacks, nose discharge, and turbinate swelling, especially in those taking the maximum dose.

This Single-trial is clearly insufficient to support the usage of apple polyphenols in people with allergic rhinitis. More clinical research is needed to confirm its outcomes.

6) Digestive Health

A small trial on 12 healthy people, polyphenol-enriched apple juice increased the blood levels of over 100 different polyphenols and its metabolites. Because a number of them can only be produced by certain bacterial strains, apple polyphenols may act as a prebiotic.

Apple polyphenols averted stomach ulcers brought on by aspirin and improved colitis in rats.

A Very little clinical trial and two studies in rats cannot be regarded as adequate proof. Larger, stronger clinical trials are required to look into the potential health benefits of apple polyphenols on digestive health.

7) Preventing Heart Disease

In A clinical trial on 62 overweight folks, apple polyphenol extract reduced cognitive damage to blood vessels and improved their role, helping prevent cardiovascular disease. However, another trial on 30 people with higher blood glucose found apple polyphenols unsuccessful at improving blood vessel function.

Another trial on 20 healthy people, apple polyphenols together with vitamin C enhanced cardiometabolic markers (antioxidant status and blood cholesterol). However, the polyphenols were unsuccessful.

In mice genetically susceptible to high blood glucose, apple Polyphenols helped prevent artery-clogging. In a different mouse strain using poor antioxidant status, apple polyphenols prevented heart rate disturbances caused by oxidative stress.

A Few clinical trials with combined results and also two studies in mice are clearly inadequate to draw any conclusions. More studies are required to shed some light on this potential benefit of apple polyphenols.

Animal and Cell Research (Lack of Proof)

No Clinical evidence supports the use of apple polyphenols for some of the conditions listed in this part. Below is a summary of the existing animal and cell-based research, which should guide further investigational efforts. However, the research shouldn’t be interpreted as supportive of any health benefit.

Neuroprotective Effects

Apple Polyphenols protected rats from cognitive impairment brought on by aluminum poisoning, and maybe by chelating this metallic and diminishing its uptake.

Viral Infections

In mice infected with the common influenza virus (H1N1), apple polyphenols fostered immunity and enhanced recovery and survival levels.


There Are very few clinical trials, frequently small, completed so far. Although Some results are promising, more studies on larger populations are Had to validate their preliminary results.

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