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IGF 1: Everything You Ought to know about it

The History of IGF 1

People, as a species, haven’t been content with what they’ve been. We’re always on the watch for the next thing that will make our lives better. And to our credit, it’s that trait that has led us to find solutions for virtually every problem that has jeopardized our presence.

Now that the huge majority of the human population currently has its basic needs fulfilled, our desire for ourselves has directed us to look for solutions to enhance ourselves physiologically i.e., to be bigger, stronger, and faster.

One of the solutions we were able to devise is the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1). This compound was shown to accelerate the user’s performance tremendously. However, is IGF1 actually legit, or is it only another merchandise by snake oil salesmen? Let us find out.

What’s IGF1?

The abrupt expansion factor 1 is a hormone that we produce naturally through the pituitary gland. In fact, it is actually published in response to the creation of the Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Therefore, whenever the amounts of HGH go upward, IGF1 levels follow suit, and vice-versa.

Image result for igf 1

As you can tell from their names, these hormones are responsible for stimulating growth within the body. In the medical realm, this is known as the anabolic effect. An Anabolic chemical is one that causes the synthesis (creation) of molecules.

Advantages of IGF1

IGF1 is remarkably effective at helping build lean muscle mass. Furthermore, it also exponentially increases the rate of fat burning as well as assisting the user to exercise for longer by lengthening their endurance. And because it eases protein synthesis, sore muscles are repaired quicker, thus reducing recovery time.

As you can imagine, these benefits are an athlete’s or bodybuilder’s wet dream. It is no surprise; therefore, that IGF1 is prohibited in Virtually Every sport

IGF1 has also proven that it has neuro-trophic in addition to neuroprotective properties. Neuro-trophic means that it boosts the growth of brain cells (neurons) while being neuro-protective implies it protects those cells in harm. In this manner, the hormone can boost cognitive and mental performance.

Nonetheless, the production of the hormone doubles as one gets older. This is the reason when an individual is beyond their’prime,’ they often become slower and poorer. Synthetic IGF1, therefore, was developed to counteract the effects of aging.

IGF1 and Insulin

IGF1 additionally gets its name because of the close resemblance it has to insulin. Nonetheless, even though these compounds are rather similar, they have slight differences in their own workings. Like insulin, the abrupt expansion factor 1 additionally facilitates the transport of vital nutrients, such as glucose and amino acids into muscle cells. The cells then use those nutrients to create new muscle tissues. IGF1 additionally promotes growth in intestinal, connective, and bone tissues.

Insulin, on the other hand, isn’t quite as specific and, thus, facilitates the transport of nutrients throughout the entire body, not just into the muscle tissue.

Additionally, IGF1 is essential for various unique functions in the human body, and these roles keep changing as you move from one developmental stage to another. As an example, IGF1 is one of the primary factors that facilitate growth from childhood to adulthood.

In the health care field, thus, this hormone can be used in the treatment of growth failure. Nonetheless, as we’ve only managed to create the synthetic variant of the hormone quiet lately, we’re yet to understand its potential completely. Regardless, it is among the principal remedies for conditions such as dwarfism, cancer, neuropathy, and stroke.

At the moment, scientists have managed to create a few IGF1 variants, whose properties vary from one another depending on usage and half-life.

What are the IGF1 Variants?

There are two main versions of IGF1: IGF1 LR3 and IGF1 DES.

  • IGF1 LR3

This is the most popular IGF1 version and can be the one that is commonly used by athletes and bodybuilders. Even though it is synthetic, it is an exact replica of the IGF1 which you produce naturally and, thus, it consists of the first 70-amino acid chain. Nonetheless, it owns an additional 13 amino acids on its own N-terminus, thereby bringing its total amino acid count into 83.

Another modification IGF1 LR3 has is that it has the amino acid arginine from the 3rd place rather than glutamic acid. The consequence of these alterations is the fact that IGF1 LR3 can maintain the original hormone’s properties, but using an elongated half-life of around 30 hours rather than the first’s 15 hours. Consequently, IGF1 LR3 is thought to be 3 times more potent than the initial IGF1.

  • IGF1 DES

This variant is regarded as the fastest-acting type of IGF1. Regardless, it’s also the least favored. It differs from the initial IGF1 since it comprises 3 fewer amino acids, thus having a total count of 67 amino acids. The result of the modification is that IGF1 DES has a lower affinity for proteins that bind IGF1, which makes IGF1 DES up to 10 times stronger than the original IGF1 and 5 times stronger than IGF1 LR3.

The reason it is the least favorite version, however, is because it has a very short half-life of just 30 minutes, at most.

What are some of these Side Effects of Utilizing IGF1?

For the most part, this synthetic hormone is well-tolerated by the majority of its customers. Nonetheless, as with anything, IGF1 does have its potential side effects. The majority of these side effects generally result from long-term usage. But, you will find short-term unwanted effects.

Among the possible short-term side effects is the chance of hypoglycemia, so having low levels of sugar in the blood. As mentioned earlier, IGF1 transports nutrients (like sugar ) into the muscle tissues, thus facilitating growth. Therefore, whenever you have high levels of IGF1 in your system, it merely suggests a lot more glucose will be removed from the blood and into the cells, thus causing low blood glucose levels.

As such, individuals who are diabetic or are prone to it should reconsider using this artificial hormone. And even if you are not prone to diabetes, you should carefully monitor your blood glucose levels consistently if you will be using IGF1 supplements.

Considering that IGF1 is a development factor, there is a risk it may foster the growth of tumors and cancer, particularly in people who have been diagnosed with active cancer or tumor or even have a background with cancer.

As stated earlier, IGF1 enhances the growth of internal organs. However, internal organs don’t rise as fast and, thus, as it finally becomes evident that they have grown in size, it’s usually as a result of excessively utilizing the hormone for quite a while. This also contributes to acromegaly, that’s the excessive growth of bone tissue, particularly in the hands, palms, and feet.

What is the Right Way to Utilize IGF1?

The dose guidelines for IGF1 LR3 are as follows:

  • Men shouldn’t use more than 50 mcg every day, while females should not exceed 20 mcg every day.
  • LR3 should only be administered once daily due to its long half-life.
  • Administer the hormone right before the workout or directly after the workout.

IGF1 DES guidelines are as follows:

  • Dosage amounts may fluctuate between 50 and 150 mcg because of IGF1 DES’s brief half-life.
  • Administer the hormone either right before the workout or directly after the workout.

The two LR3 and DES may be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. But to avoid possible side effects, users are advised to take breaks of at least fourteen days to every 30 days of use. This is essential to not only avoid potential side effects but also to make sure that your IGF1 receptors keep functioning optimally.

Both IGF1 versions arrive in a lyophilized powder form. This means that the powder is dried outside. As such, to ensure it is usable, you’ll need to reconstitute it with bacteriostatic water. The package should come with proper instructions about the best way to do that.

Is IGF1 Legal?

The legality of the exogenous hormone varies widely across jurisdictions. As such, it is up to the user to research the particular laws in their state regarding such chemicals. Remember, you can’t use ignorance as an excuse in court.

In most Western nations, however, such as Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, it is not a crime to possess and use this substance. But you’ll require a physician’s prescription to buy it.

People with no access to a prescription typically purchase IGF1 by saying that it’s for study purposes. There are a whole lot of vendors online selling the item. Therefore, ensure your seller is respected by checking out online reviews.


Employing IGF1 will increase your overall mental and physical performance, thus allowing you to enjoy the benefits of childhood for longer. But you must treat the material with the respect it deserves to avoid possible side effects.

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