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MK-2866 (Ostarine) – All You Want To Know About Ostabolic


Ostarine more commonly goes by the title MK-2866, Enobosarm or Ostabolic. It is a well-known SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) that was chiefly manufactured to prevent and cure muscle wasting because of increasing age or alternative motor diseases by substituting the body’s growth hormones. Though this was the primary concept used by Merck, GTX and Inc, MK-2866 is used in the current modern fitness industry for its wondrous effects on muscle and strength building.

MK-2866 In Bodybuilding

Lean muscle mass can be readily be obtained and preserved by Ostarine, and it is an essential determinant for enhancing performances on the field. So, wondering if all of the phenomenal benefits come with a price? Well, unlike steroids or some other similar drugs, Ostarine has no deleterious effect on wellbeing and this is the ultimate reason for its approval among bodybuilders to obtain an edge over others. Although conventional steroids deliver similar advantages, the use of steroids usually comes with a cost. Even if you do not belong in the fitness industry, this SARM is an effective drug to build lean muscles, counteract obesity and various ailments related to muscle wasting.

Mechanism of Action

Ostarine comes under the umbrella of drugs called SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator). This merely means Ostarine has more affinity to the androgen receptors, preferably those present in the bones and muscles. After binding to their desirable receptors, the drug enriches anabolic actions such as protein synthesis and reduces some additional metabolic actions in the body. This results in growth, regeneration of muscles and boosts an increase in connective tissues. In the end, MK2866 strengthens muscles; increases bone density also enables faster recovery.


On a wider aspect, Ostarine imitates the action of testosterone on the joints and muscles. Testosterone is the male hormone, responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics. But, using androgens is weaning away following the emergence of Ostarine for these reasons.

Image result for benefits of mk 2866

  1. Although traditional steroids also improve the activity of testosterone, they act as non-selective activators that lead to collateral side effects like suppression of testosterone levels and also raising the estrogen levels. On the contrary, SARM like Ostarine selectively and specifically activate the androgen receptors within the bones and muscles. This home eliminates the deleterious side effects, making Ostarine the very desired medication from the muscle building industry.
  2. Virilization is one of the main concerns related to performance-enhancing drugs. With the proper dosage of Ostarine, there is absolutely no risk of virilization. In fact, this attribute is valued by female sports who want to outperform from the fitness market.
  3. Due to its anti-catabolic activity on the body, users could use MK-2866 to prevent muscle wasting. This enables to preserve the gained lean muscle and shed excess body weight in spite of low-calorie diet.
  4. The phenomenal effect of Ostabolic is its healing property. Injuries like muscle soreness, sprains, fractures are inevitable security issues related to bodybuilding business. Fortunately, Enobosarm promotes healing in cells, reducing the recovery period which acts as a knight in shining armor for sports.
  5. Unlike other performance enhancers, Ostarine isn’t hepatotoxic as a result of the non-methylated property.


1. Role in Orthopedics

This was the main idea behind the development of all Ostarine. Osteoporosis is an issue of senility, especially in post-menopausal ladies. In osteoporosis, there’s an increase in bone degeneration which contributes to pathological fracture even with minor trauma. Ostarine promotes growth in bone mineral density, growth of bones and connective tissues, reduces bone breakdown and allows rapid healing of fractures. This can be an imperative role in bone health issues and can be used as an alternative remedy of adrenal hip and pelvic fractures.

2. Role in Oncology

Apart because of its wondrous muscle-building advantage among athletics and bodybuilders, Ostarine can also be employed to prevent muscle wasting and build lean muscle mass in cancer patients with cachexia and muscle atrophy.

3. Role in Reproduction

Ostarine does not undergo aromatization. This simply means with Ostarine, testosterone isn’t converted to estrogen, i.e. there is not any increase in estrogen levels. Higher testosterone levels within the body are responsible for increasing endurance and strength. In addition, this may treat age-onset conditions, for example, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido and reduced sexual performance.

4. Helps Maintain Heart and Mind Health

Experts have concluded that Ostarine reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. In reality, this counteracts obesity, the main determinant of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Undoubtedly, Obesity is one of the most worrisome issues among today’s modern society where individuals are more inclined to be facing desks or computers. With Ostarine, there’s an increase in metabolic rate and faster loss in weight.

Adverse Effects

Unwanted effects of Ostarine are virtually non-existent, instead of conventional steroids. Some minor consequences such as:

  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain in the trunk muscles
  • Excess sweating.

Even though there are no reported significant negative effects of Ostarine, anything in excess could lead to harm. Hence, it is advisable to not abuse the drug indiscriminately.

Dose Schedule

Ostarine has a remarkable half-life of 24 hours. This implies that a single dose per day is sufficient to exhibit extraordinary advantages. The dose varies in line with this purpose it is used to get i.e. if you are using for healing issues, then a minimum dose of 12mg will be sufficient whereas, for your muscle builders, the dose might be as high as 50mg. For female consumers, the dosage is generally lower than the corresponding male users. This is because excessive usage of Ostarine can lead to improved facial hair and other masculine changes within the body. The optimum period of use is 4-12 weeks. If used for this recommended time span, there is no need for PCT (post cycle therapy). In the event when the medication is abused for a longer period, PCT has been advised.


Although Ostarine was proved by specialists to be a phenomenal performance enhancer, the use of MK-2866 has been banned by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency). This is only because WADA believes users of Ostabolic to have an unfair advantage over non-users in the sports industry. But this doesn’t stain the benefits of Enobosarm.


Presently, Ostarine is a promising, incredible performance enhancer. If you are looking forward to developing lean muscle mass, reduce weight afterward MK-2866 is the most powerful drug on the market for you.

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